понедельник, 13 сентября 2021 г.

morning ride

13,9 km/h mean speed, not very fast but OK. I post a screenshot cause a share button in google fit app on my android do not work. Although we all need to share our achievements like in steam account for example.

5 комментариев :

  1. jamis big dick power, I cleaned the butter with my nipples, cut myself on them, sealed them with superglue, 20 years have passed and the scar remains. I went to the jamis again to clean the oil, again cut myself on the nipples again with a scraper glue, the nipples were in place and the scar remained again after 20 years. I went to the jamis again to clean the oil, I wrapped my hands on the nipples, glued it all over with superglue, the nipples and my hands remained, and the scar disappeared after 20 years, just like a whole mycelium of oil grew on my hands.

  2. коммент просто в тему)
    ты куда пропал, ездун?
