вторник, 7 февраля 2023 г.

Goodbye Octocat!

The tool choosing question usually resolves pragmatically. You simply choose the tool which have all of your must have functions. But in case of github I was stuck to their mascot - Octocat. As for me he is still cutiest from all of they, including Tux and Kde dragonaut.

I has read a three articles about comparsion between gitlab and github. There was a very detailed explanation, but only one difference what I found was in mascot. Raccoon dog have no chance versus eight foot cat. Nevertheless github was bought by microsoft since 2018, and a lot of open source projects has already migrated to gitlab, as to open-source based platform. Today on gitlab we will find gnome desktop, KDE, kicad, even ARM posted their code here. Not bad for ukrainian startup company without office.

So, what do you think about migrating from github to gitlab?

вторник, 26 апреля 2022 г.

IR remote + STM32 to usb, firmware and board

Simply combine decoding algorithm from post about decoding and USB keyboard driver from that post. Only one deal is left is decoding table. It will match codes of ir with keyboard button codes. Maybe if I get unuseful keyboard I will make IR wireless keyboard from it.

воскресенье, 24 апреля 2022 г.

Wakie talkie, begining

Come back to my old project, walkie talkie. When I tries to offer a new project, I develop a principal schematic instead of structure schematic. In my opinion it can answer to most of question of people who interests in my solution. But on the practice that approach motivates random commentators from the internet to proof me that my solution does not work. Forget about they. 

понедельник, 18 апреля 2022 г.

среда, 13 апреля 2022 г.

USB Virtual COM port on STM32, code

Now then, why we need COM port in 21 century? It is one of worthily forgotten technologies. But the reason on the surface. There are not too much ways to connect custom USB device without need to write a OS driver. In order to do this you need a Virtual COM Port device or hooligans custom HID. In other words, if you run VCP on your MCU, you can use it's connection with benefits of autodetect and a plenty of PC lib's. But in that post I will comment my code of a classical example of USB-UART.